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Call for paper (IF 7.9):截止2024年8月16日

Figure图  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-12 15:49


Green and Climate Influences on Corporate Debt Choices Guest editors: Professor Viviana Fernandez , Adolfo Ibanez University Business School Manuscripts on the following or related topics are welcome: Existence and effects of "greenium's" in corporate debt Bank corporate debt lending and bank strategies around ESG The intersection of macroprudential and national climate strategies and their influences on corporate debt choice Corporate debt maturity and "the tragedy of the horizon" Decomposing E, S and G in ESG-oriented corporate debt Climate transition risk and corporate debt issuance and spread Climate risks and corporate debt maturity Corporate debt hedging for green and climate challenges Manuscript submission information: The International Review of Financial Analysis’ submission system will be open for submissions to our Special Issue from February 16, 2024. When submitting your manuscript to Editorial Manager, please select the article type “ VSI: Corporate Debt Choices ”. ………………………………

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