Mastery is often associated with patience. After all, getting good at things takes a long time, and only those who are in it for the long haul can expect to reach the pinnacle of their craft. 精通通常需要耐心。毕竟精通一件事要很长时间,只有那些长期坚持的人,才有望达到技艺的巅峰。 Given that common association, I found it interesting to hear the opposite perspective from Butch Harmon, Tiger Wood’s coach during the best years of his golfing career: 鉴于这种常见的联系,当我从布齐·哈蒙——泰格·伍兹高尔夫生涯最辉煌时期的教练——那里听到相反观点时感到很有意思: Those golfers who insist on being patient and letting the game come to them rarely play up to their potential. They play well, maybe win a time or two, but they never reach the great heights their talents dictate. The players who want to learn, get better, and win right now—this second, no waiting—are the ones who exceed their na