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EM of EU

随手札记  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-12-17 09:38
12.17.2019  Tue,Sunny,Air PerfectEM of EU Summary:亚洲股市继续消化phase one, 欧洲股市则在PMI走弱对冲Brexit不确定性消除之后度过潮湿阴暗的前半段,美股则在贸易前景和经济指标盈喜刺激下带动欧股大幅上行后,尾盘有所走弱。欧洲数据稳定后再次恶化让人不安。  EU It seems Asia risks consolidated in digesting the phase one deal except A share boosted again by strong IP and consumption. Asia FX saw a mixed session while the North Asia outperformed the region. Despite both sides confirming that most of the deal is already formalized, there are still lots of voice not in favor of it. Frankly speaking, the 200bn extra purchase of US goods and service caught me off guard , and it's exactly difficult but not impossible. The mega trend is set , the uncertainty is erased and given it's also strongly oppos ………………………………

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