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10.03 周四 / 绿波Filter Green:地域折叠下的绿色音律 @MONO 4/4

MONO 44  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-28 20:44


如果声音有颜色,那么你喜欢的音乐是什么颜色? 当我们讨论电子音乐时,它可以是暗流涌动的黑,可以是白色的大道至简,亦可以是绿色的青青草原。 颜色的不同并不会成为热爱电子音乐伙伴间共情的阻碍 绿波城市律动计划希望将各种音乐情绪有机结合,用不同的颜色绘制出一幅令人愉悦的现场 绿波城市律动计划第二站 南京:MONO 44  If sound has a colour, what colour is your favourite music? When we talk about electronic music, it can be the darkness of black, the simplicity of white, or the green of grass. The difference in colour is not an obstacle to empathy between those who love electronic music. The Green Wave Urban Rhythm Project hopes to organically combine various musical moods and use different colours to create a pleasant scene. This time, we had the honour to invite the head of electronic music landmark key in Jinan: AXSEE, and two members of UNIT Radio to join u ………………………………

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