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LearnAndRecord  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-06 20:30


近日,巴黎奥运羽毛球女单决赛,中国选手何冰娇获得银牌。在颁奖仪式上,何冰娇带上一枚西班牙国旗徽章上台领奖合照。 此前,在半决赛中,西班牙选手马林在领先的情况下因伤退赛,何冰娇晋级决赛。何冰娇说, “带着西班牙的徽章上领奖台是因为昨天的半决赛对手不幸受伤,我很心痛。 我希望她能看到这一幕,也祝福她早日康复。 ” 无注释 原文: Fans hail 'true Olympian' as Chinese badminton star holds up a Spain flag while receiving her silver medal in Paris From: Daily Mail Fans have heaped praise on Chinese badminton star He Bingjiao for her incredible sportsmanship after she held up a miniature Spain flag while receiving her Olympic silver medal on the podium.  He finished in second-place of the women's badminton event in Paris after South Korea's An Se-young beat her 21-13 21-16 to claim gold, but the Chinese star was fortunate to even be in the final. ………………………………

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