©Jorge Garrido、Jasso “无论何时、何地、何种境地,无形的引线都会将那些注定要相遇的人联系在一起。这条线的形式多种多样,可以被拉伸,也可以缠成一团,但是它永远都不会断裂。”月老红线的传说告诉我们,有些人注定是会相遇的。我们每个人的小拇指上都缠有一根红线,这根红线将我们与自己的有缘人联系在了一起,指引着我们与命定之人相遇,共同创造历史和未来。 "No matter when, where, or in any situation, intangible leads will connect those destined to meet. This line takes various forms, can be stretched or tangled together, but it will never break." The legend of the Moon Elder's Red Line tells us that some people are destined to meet. Each of us has a red thread wrapped around our little thumbs, which connects us with our loved ones and guides us to meet the destined ones, creating history and the future together. 一根红线 I 红线装置