配图 / Nádia Maria 点击观看更多组图,关注“美好画片碎碎念 配乐 / Retour - Tony Anderson 制作 / 徐安 坐在你对面写的诗 如果我有两个镍币 我会把它们在一起摩擦 像孩子摩擦两根木棍 直到生热燃烧 它们燃烧了 烧穿我的口袋 我会把手伸进那个洞 然后是手臂 最终是我的整个人—— 我会把自己折叠起来 塞进裤袋里的那个洞, 消失在我的口袋里,或者至少我的裤子里 但在那之前 像一颗古老的星辰 我会抓住你的手 作者 / [美国]凯文·瓦罗内 翻译 / 光诸 poem I wrote sitting across the table from you if I had two nickels to rub together I would rub them together like a kid rubs sticks together until friction made combustion and they burned a hole in my pocket into which I would put my hand and then my arm and eventually my whole self–– I would fold myself into the hole in my pocket and disappear into the pocket of myself, or at least my pant