杭州西溪湿地,自古即为隐逸之地。陶渊明曾说,唯身处“近”方能体味“远”,且“近”亦可映衬“远意”。杭州凤咏朝阳座隐于城市喧嚣之中,无间设计将此地化作一座公共的艺术空间。正如诗句所言:“久在樊笼里,复得返自然”。由此,得以由心灵深处发轫,构筑全维度而纷呈多样的场景,以近悟远,将所有美好生活的预演。 Hangzhou Xixi Wetland has long been a place of retreat. Tao Yuanming noted that being "near" helps one appreciate the "far," and the "near" can reflect the "far." Urban Garden in Hangzhou, hidden amid the urban bustle, has been transformed by W.DESIGN into a public art space. As the poem says, "Long confined in a cage, I regain nature." This place allows for a connection between the near and the far, creating a multi-dimensional and diverse scene that previews the beauty of life. 以东方气韵雕刻时光,将“庭院”引入“美术馆”。