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9.25全球发展工作坊 | 将财政架构带入21世纪

北大国发院  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-23 22:02


WORKSHOP ON GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT 36 全球发展工作坊 36 Bringing Fiscal Architecture to the 21st Century 将财政架构带入 21世纪 While the global economic and financial outlook has improved in the last six months , many countries continue to struggle with high public debt amid new challenges from dimming medium-term growth prospects. Countries need to take decisive efforts to safeguard sustainable public finances and rebuild fiscal buffers. Building such foundations requires countries to take a medium-term approach to budgetary planning and execution at all levels of government. This presentation explains the three pillars of the new fiscal architecture that need to be established to build th e quality and efficiency of public spending and financial management across the levels of government. 虽然全球经济和金融前景在过去六个月有所改善, 但在中期增长前景黯淡的新挑战下, 许多国家继续与高额公共债务作斗争。各国需要 ………………………………

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