© 燕尾设计室 “人间仙境—方力钧水墨”展览于2022年7月16日在西安美术馆隆重开幕。此次展览由西安美术馆主办,杨超先生担任总策划,鲁虹先生担任策展人。展出方力钧先生的水墨作品共计308件,展示了他在艺术创作上的独特魅力与深厚造诣。一年前,武汉燕尾设计室受主办方委托,负责此次展览的展陈设计工作,为观众营造了一个艺术氛围浓厚、令人陶醉的展览空间。 The exhibition "Wonderland on Earth - Fang Lijun Ink Painting" was grandly opened on July 16, 2022 at the Xi'an Art Museum. This exhibition is hosted by Xi'an Art Museum, with Mr. Yang Chao as the overall planner and Mr. Lu Hong as the curator. A total of 308 ink paintings by Mr. Fang Lijun were exhibited, showcasing his unique charm and profound expertise in artistic creation. A year ago, Wuhan Yanwei Design Studio was commissioned by the organizer to be responsible for the exhibition design of t