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CaixinGlobal财新国际  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-03-21 18:10


Pipeline problems The purpose of the Yau Youth Classes was to create a talent pipeline for the Yau Mathematical Sciences Leaders Program by establishing them at key middle schools across the country. In April 2023, Yau authorized 18 schools to launch the class. Since then, they have sprung up at 50 schools around China. 到目前为止,丘班已在全国50所中学开设,分布在19个省份和直辖市。根据各中学丘班招生简章,部分班级直接招收小学生,实行初高中贯通培养;也有中学面向初三毕业生,开设高中阶段的丘班。丘班每年在各省的入选学生规模200人左右。 Selection criteria varies by school, but written exams that assess math proficiency are a mandatory component. The admissions brochure outlines a selection process that comprises an initial assessment of application materials, specialized tests and physical examinations, with evaluations conducted by a committee led by Yau. The evaluations cover reading in Ch ………………………………

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