▲ Pablo Muñoz Payá Arquitectos Pablo Muñoz Payá Arquitectos总部位于西班牙彼得,是一家专注于建筑和室内设计的建筑公司。 Pablo Muñoz Payá Arquitectos, based in Petrer (Spain), is an architectural firm focused on architecture & interior design. 该项目包括创建一个亭子,它扩展了现有住宅的服务,并与之和谐融合。干预也延伸了露台上方的外部平台,提供了额外的享受情节和令人惊叹的周围景观。亭子附属于一个现有的由砖石制成的烧烤结构。新建筑的屋顶作为悬臂延伸到原有结构上,在两座建筑之间提供了一个避雨通道。 The project consists of the creation of a pavilion that expands the services of an existing house and integrates harmoniously with it. The intervention also extends the exterior platform above the terracing, offering additional enjoyment of the plot and the stunning surrounding landscape. The pavilion is attached to an existing barbecu