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China's First Batch of Data Lists for Cross-Border Transfers

环球律师事务所  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-05 17:00


Corporate Compliance News Alert: China's First Batch of Data Lists for Cross-Border Transfers Released by Tianjin FTZ and Shanghai FTZ Authors : Jacky Li | Jenny Chen | Yuanlv Xu Editor: Alan Zhou On March 22, 2024, the Cyberspace Administration of China (“CAC”) officially issued the Provisions on Promoting and Regulating Cross-border Data Flows (“New Provisions”), allowing free trade zones (“FTZs”) to independently establish negative lists of data that need to undergo security assessments conducted by the CAC (“CAC Security Assessments”), Standard Contracts Record Filing (“SCCs Record Filing”), or Personal Information Protection Certification by a professional institution (“Personal Information Protection Certification”) (collectively known as the “three compliance mechanisms”).  Data not included on the negative list will be exempt from regulatory restrictions on outbound data transfers. These FTZ-specific data lists were also referred to as China’s fo ………………………………

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