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一片宜居宜商的花园艺术社区 I 天健领域改造更新

策站  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-11 08:40


© LikyFoto BEING时建筑事务所自2016年起开始介入广州北部白云山脚下的天健广场整体改造和更新计划。这个总占地逾60万平方米的地块历经20年的发展,从最早期的货运场演变为装饰建材五金龙头市场,再逐渐升级为综合型服务社区,涵盖商业办公、专业市场、居住、娱乐、文化活动、艺术展览、社区共享、公共花园等功能。天健广场见证了传统生产力到商业贸易再到信息媒体时代的演变。 BEING Architecture Firm has been involved in the overall renovation and renewal plan of Tianjian Square at the foot of Baiyun Mountain in northern Guangzhou since 2016. This plot of land covering a total area of over 600000 square meters has undergone 20 years of development, evolving from an early freight yard to a leading market in decorative building materials and hardware, and gradually upgrading to a comprehensive service community, covering functions such as commercial offic ………………………………

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