专栏名称: 中伦视界
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中伦视界  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-07 19:26


全球领先的专注于消费行业的投资公司路威凯腾近日宣布完成对中国知名的植物蛋白饮品公司四川唯怡饮料食品有限公司的战略投资。 L Catterton, a leading global consumer-focused investment firm, recently announced that it has completed the strategic investment in Sichuan Viee Food & Drink Co., Ltd., a well-known Chinese vegetable protein beverage company.  中伦律师事务所在本次交易中担任路威凯腾的中国法律顾问,为其提供了全程法律服务。中伦项目组由合伙人 赵靖 和 张欣路 负责,项目组成员包括律师 张琳竺 、 郑雨宁 和 杨丽虹 等;合伙人 蒋蕙 匡 和律师 李梦涵 处理反垄断相关事宜。 Zhong Lun Law Firm acted as the PRC legal counsel to L Catterton throughout this transaction. The legal team from Zhong Lun was led by partners Anthony Zhao and Luke Zhang , and included associates Lindsay Zhang , Ruby Zheng , and Claire Yang ; partner Frank Jia ………………………………

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