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跳动的心脏 I BABAMA全球首个实体门店

策站  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-23 08:40


© 形在空间摄影Here Space贺川 项目位于上海市黄浦区,位于新天地时尚商圈2期,紧邻两条地铁出站口,客流充沛,崇尚个性与自我表达。回到本次空间,作为BABAMA全球首个实体门店,对品牌的意义不言而喻。它不仅代表着自2011年创立至今的BABAMA所沉淀、积累的抽象品牌精神与态度理念的具象凝结,同时也可视为一场从工业美学角度切入的,关于传承与流行的深度对话。 The project is located in Huangpu District, Shanghai, in Phase II of Xintiandi Fashion Business District, close to the two subway exits, with abundant passenger flow, advocating individuality and self-expression. Returning to this space, as BABAMA's first physical store globally, the significance of the brand is self-evident. It not only represents the concrete embodiment of the abstract brand spirit and attitude concepts accumulated by BABAMA since its establishment in 2011, but can also be seen as a de ………………………………

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