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Barclay CTA Index指数介绍

FQuantStudio  · 知乎专栏  ·  · 2016-08-27 19:03
Barclay CTA Index指数介绍_faruto_新浪博客Barclay CTA IndexThe Barclay CTA Index is a leading industry benchmark of representative performance of commodity trading advisors. There are currently 532 programs included in the calculation of the Barclay CTA Index for 2016. The Index is equally weighted and rebalanced at the beginning of each year.To qualify for inclusion in the CTA Index, an advisor must have four years of prior performance history. Additional programs introduced by qualified advisors are not added to the Index until after their second year. These restrictions, which offset the high turnover rates of trading advisors as well as their artificially high short-term performance records, ensure the accuracy and reliability of the Barclay CTA Index.通过 GetBarclayCTAIndex.m 函数可以基于网络爬虫获取Barclay CTA Index指数最新数据以及做相应分析.Barclay CTA Index近期表现:Number of CTA programs in index: ………………………………

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