点击 “蓝字” 关注+星标我们 联系电话 | 021-5407-5836 联系邮箱 | PR@frostchina.com Growth Council Think Tanks —— Unlock Transformational Growth through Powerful Discussions with Industry Experts 5/21-5/26 最新活动预告 The enterprise network services industry is experiencing a transformative shift, driven by the growing prominence of software-defined wide area networks (SD-WANs), secure access service edge (SASE), and managed security services. As traditional transport services decline, these technologies are filling the gap and expanding at a double-digit rate. Network operators are reshaping their offerings to support digital transformation, adopting "as a service" models characterized by self-service transactions, seamless sales cycles, and integrated automation, security, and artificial intelligence (AI). Join us for this engaging discussion on May 21, 2024, where our distinguished panel of growth experts addresses critical questions lik