Wow!What a wonderful introduction! And thank you, Dean Mark Feldman, Founding Dean Jeffrey Lehman, Assistant Dean Zhang Chenli and Professor Man, faculty, staff, and fellow recipients. It’s a true privilege to be here with you all today. I am deeply honored by your invitation! 感谢Feldman院长精彩的介绍!也感谢创院院长雷蒙教授、助理院长张趁利、满运龙教授、各位教职员工以及各位亲爱的同学们。今天能够受邀与大家共聚于此,我感到荣幸之至! Congratulations, Class of 2024. What an incredible day, May 25th. Today holds special significance as the 145th day of the year and is recognized for several noteworthy occasions, including Africa Liberation Day, Argentine Revolution Day, World Stroke Prevention Day, and most importantly your graduation day. TODAY, YOU MADE IT! You’ve all worked very hard to get here. No one truly knows how you fought tooth and nail in your studies. Congratulations on your remarkable achievement