如果你的目标是让持不同意见的人讨论他们的分歧,力图对事实和解决方案取得共识(进行头脑开放的辩论),则会议的方式应当有别于培训会。辩论比较耗时,会议时间随人数增加会呈几何级增长,因此你必须挑选对的人以及适当的人数,以适合决策所需。在任何讨论中,都要把与会者限定于你认为对实现你的目标最有帮助的人。挑选与会者最差的方式就是挑选那些与你观点相同的人。群体思维(大家都不表达独立观点)和个体思维(个人拒不接受别人的观点)都是危险的。 If your goal is to have people with different opinions work through their differences to try to get closer to what is true and what to do about it (open-minded debate), you will run your meeting differently than if its goal is to educate. Debating takes time, and that time increases exponentially depending on the number of people participating in the discuss