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Life丨Teaching the stage in a different way

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2025-01-13 11:13


Nestled in Huichang county, Ganzhou city, Jiangxi province, the Huichang Theatre Village is a hub of activity, where the sounds of performances regularly fill the air. Actors, technicians, and eager audiences breathe constant life into the village. At the entrance to the village is a "dream-making space" that could be described as a talent factory for the theater: the Hesheng Institute of Theatre Technology, which is dedicated to training the next generation of theater professionals. ▲ Students of the Hesheng Institute of Theatre Technology in class. Photo provided to China Daily Founded two years ago by Huichang entrepreneur Wang Mingfu and theater director Stan Lai, the institute was conceived to serve the needs of the village — a cultural project that Lai, who is passionate about modernizing Chinese theater, devised to introduce stage productions to his father's hometown. The Hesheng Institute is one of the few schools in China focused on career-oriented training in theater t ………………………………

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