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We still have spots left forMises University 2024!Apply today!

奥派经济学  · 公众号  · 教育  · 2024-06-11 23:22


Mises University是奥地利经济学的全球领先教学项目,为大学生和研究生提供超越主流的实质培训。课程包括市场行为、竞争、价值与效用、货币与银行、商业周期、工业组织等。申请参加Mises University 2024的奖学金无需申请费,被录取的学生可获得全额奖学金,包括所有课程的免费入学、七晚住宿等。最佳学生将获得Douglas E. French Scholarship奖学金2,500美元。


关键观点1: Mises University是领先的奥地利经济学教学项目


关键观点2: 奖学金申请信息

全日制大学生和研究生可申请参加Mises University的奖学金项目。申请延期的截止日期为6月24日。录取决定将滚动通知所有申请人。无需申请费,所有被录取的学生将获得全额奖学金,包括课程、住宿、交通和餐点。

关键观点3: 奖学金奖项和评选

表现最佳的学生将获得Douglas E. French Scholarship奖学金2,500美元。第二和第三名分别获得Kenneth Garschina奖项的1,500美元和750美元。


Mises University  is the world's leading instructional program in Austrian economics. Since 1986, it has been the essential training ground for college and university students who are looking beyond the mainstream. Mises University topics include market behavior, competition, value and utility, money and banking, business cycles, industrial organization, method, economic history, the philosophy of science, financial economics, and more. Classes are interspersed with discussion seminars, faculty panels, and plenary lectures. There are special sessions on economic history, ethics, and political philosophy. Nightly social hours allow time to meet and discuss it all with faculty and other students. The scholarship application for Mises University 2024 is open to full-time college and university students. The extended deadline for scholarship applications is Monday, June 24.  Decisions will be communicated to all applicants on a rolling basis. College and university students in all discip ………………………………

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