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Cavern House,新加坡

设计先锋队  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-09 07:07


The design vision behind Cavern House was inspired by the captivating formations and expansive spaces found within caves. The aim was to create a residence that offers immersive spatial experiences while fostering familial bonds. To surprise visitors upon entry, the main entrance was concealed behind a windowless facade, and a transition from a modest foyer to a series of interconnected spaces extending towards the rear of the house was created. Cavern House 的设计愿景受到洞穴内迷人的地貌和广阔的空间的启发。其目的是创造一个提供身临其境的空间体验,同时培养家庭纽带的住宅。为了在进入时给游客带来惊喜,主入口隐藏在没有窗户的立面后面,并创造了一个从朴素的门厅到一系列相互连接的空间的过渡,一直延伸到房子的后部。 The design approach was guided by the natural terrain of the site, which posed challenges such as narrowness and lower elevation towards the rear. To a ………………………………

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