专栏名称: 考研英语外刊阅读
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考研英语外刊阅读  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-17 07:55


快⬆️⬆️点击上方 蓝字 关注并星标 这 个公众号,一起涨姿势~ 词数:453 words 难度:★★★☆☆ 小贴士: 大家中秋快乐! ——大橙子留 ✦    + + 上期划线句答案 Although people in poverty disproportionately create “survival businesses” that generate small profits , it’s wrong to assume that makes these ventures less valuable. 尽管贫困人口创立的微利型“生存型企业”比例格外多,但认为这些企业因此价值较低是错误的。 ✦    + + 本期内容 ◆ 双语阅读 Para.1 Whenever someone confides something to you about someone you both know—whether the information is positive, negative or neutral—it brings the two of you closer, creating a social bond. According to one study, it even increases your liking for the spreader of the information. It helps you learn who to trust and who to avoid. It enforces group norms. For example, complaints about a co-worker who puts smelly banana ………………………………

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