*文中有wigwam跨年嘉宾线索 朋友们!在这个10月31日特别的节日派对里。我向大家介绍开业至此请来最令我期待的嘉宾: Vladimir Ivkovic 。 Friends! On this special October 31st party, I’m thrilled to introduce the most anticipated guest since our opening: Vladimir Ivkovic . Vladimir Ivkovic 关于他的故事,每每和朋友介绍都眼中熠熠发光。他所驻场的传奇俱乐部也是我的圣山,当之无愧的私人最爱第一: Salon des Amateurs 。 Every time I talk about him with friends, my eyes light up. The legendary club where he’s been a resident is also my personal favorite, the unparalleled Salon des Amateurs —my sacred mountain. 俱乐部坐落于杜塞尔多夫的 Kunsthalle 艺术馆内,白天是一家普通的咖啡馆,但一到周末夜晚,它便转化为实验音乐的中心。Salon des Amateurs 的特色在于,它不拘泥于主流舞曲节奏。 The club is located inside the Kunsthalle art galle