GOOD NEWS Good News! Recently, CNCEC-TCC signed an EPC contract with YANKUANG LUNAN CHEMICALS CO., LTD. for a 60,000 tons/year POM project. This project will implement technical optimization against “world-class” product standard. After its completion, Lunan Chemicals’ total production capacity of POM will rank the top in China. With international leading product quality, Lunan Chemicals will be the leading enterprise in China’s POM industry. 近日,中国化学天辰公司与兖矿鲁南化工有限公司签署兖矿鲁南化工有限公司6万吨/年聚甲醛项目EPC总承包合同。兖矿鲁南化工有限公司党委书记、董事长张岭,天辰公司党委副书记、总经理梁军湘,副总经理卞明出席签约仪式。 梁军湘在致辞中感谢鲁南化工对天辰公司长期以来的信任与支持。他表示,恰逢天辰公司成立71周年之际,本项目的签约不仅标志着鲁南化工与天辰公司在高端化工新材料领域的