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LearnAndRecord  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-25 20:46


刚刚,2024全国夏季游泳锦标赛男子400米自由泳决赛中,33岁的孙杨以3分49秒58的成绩夺冠!据了解,这是他四年禁赛期结束后首次重返赛场。 今天你练听力了吗? 🤔️小作业: 1. What was the reaction of Chinese social media to Sun Yang's return? A) Indifference and lack of interest B) Criticism and skepticism C) Strong support and emotional responses D) Confusion about his future plans 无注释原文: China's Sun Yang gives tearful interview after 400m heats, 'will go all out' for LA 2028 From: SCMP Disgraced swimmer Sun Yang broke down in tears after he won his heat in men's 400 metres freestyle at the National Summer Swimming Championships on Sunday, his first competitive race since returning from a four-year drugs ban. The 32-year-old Olympian, who was once the darling of his country's swim team, is representing his home Zhejiang province at the event. Sun, who harbours a dream of competing at the Los Angeles Games in 202 ………………………………

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