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阿满英文讲学  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-07 12:10


📢 微信对公众号规则进行了调整, 如果同学们喜欢我的文章,  记得多点“赞”👍与“在看”🌟, 这样阿满的推送才能继续出现在你的“订阅信息”里 。感谢支持。 本期导读 : 作者劝导读者不要压抑自己的痛苦,鼓励对痛苦的表达;同学们也可从文章中学到,当身边亲密之人向自己敞开心扉、倾诉难处时,应该怎么做,不应该怎么做 。 如下为本期文章的思维导图, 点击图片即可放大详览。 【第一段】 ① In the years leading up to my father’s death, he suffered. ② I know this because he didn’t hide it. ③ I witnessed one of his worst days in the hospital one week after suffering a stroke. ④ His potassium level dropped dangerously low, and the doctor decided to administer it intravenously through his forearm. ⑤ I scanned my phone for information and learned that the arm is a nasty place to inject potassium. ⑥ I found grown men online who r ………………………………

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