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Betsy Brown丨宁静而优雅的伯明翰居所

DoDesign研究室  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-21 16:11


P. 01 Betsy Brown是一位以简约优雅和真实个性为设计核心的著名室内设计师。她的设计作品充满了宁静的力量,而位于阿拉巴马州伯明翰市的这座住宅正是她设计理念的完美诠释,这个住宅项目不仅展现了Betsy Brown对空间美学的深刻理解,也反映了她对客户需求的敏锐把握。 Betsy Brown is a renowned interior designer with simple elegance and authentic personality at the core of her designs. Her design work is imbued with the power of tranquility, and this Birmingham, Alabama home is the perfect illustration of her design philosophy, a residential project that not only demonstrates Betsy Brown's deep understanding of the aesthetics of space, but also reflects her keen grasp of the needs of her clients. P. 02 在这个项目中,Betsy Brown通过温暖的中性色调和复古风格创造了一个既舒适又真实的居住空间。她始终强调奢华并不意味着堆砌昂贵的装饰,而是真正 ………………………………

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