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「经济学人」What ho, y’all

LearnAndRecord  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-05 20:30


What ho, y’all Why country music is booming in Britain TikTok, tattoos and dreams of Texas “All aboard the freight train,” Rattlesnake Johnny announces from the DJ booth, as he plays Alan Jackson’s “Freight Train”. A large crowd, sporting cowboy hats and boots, obediently falls into a Conga line and belts out “wish I was a freight train, baby”. They are led by “Memo the Hero”, a Turkish man from Newcastle, who waves an American flag as dancers gyrate on tables. The line soon turns into “shot limbo”. Two dancers hold aloft a shot tray that punters must limbo under before downing a drink, while singing “It’s Five O’Clock Somewhere” by Mr Jackson and Jimmy Buffett. It is, in fact, 3pm on a Saturday in Revolution, a bar in Ipswich, a market town in the quiet English county of Suffolk. Ipswich, an attendee declares, is “the Texas of the UK”. Country music has never been more popular in Britain. Streaming of country songs increased by 70% in the first four ………………………………

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