专栏名称: 聚艺集团
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聚艺集团  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-01-02 17:54


四川铜币,是晚清和北洋时期四川省地方政权铸造的货币。由于川省银铜矿缺乏,加之辛亥革命以后军阀割据,致使中央政府《币制条例》关于铜币之原料比例、铜币面额的规定没有严格遵守,致使物价虚高、影响经济发展。四川铜币,自光绪二十九年(1903年)六月开铸,至民国二十四年(1935年)十一月法币开始流通才逐渐退出流通领域。 (The Sichuan Copper Coin is the currency minted by the local government of Sichuan Province during the late Qing and Beiyang periods. Due to the lack of silver and copper mines in Sichuan Province, and the fact that the warlords were separated after the Revolution of 1911, the provisions of the Central Government's “Currency Regulations” on the proportion of raw materials for copper coins and the denomination of copper coins were ………………………………

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