再次开放的上海站儿童赛 又又又即将开启 连续三日的中秋勇气赛场 如何才能更快更强备战赛事? How do spartan kids better prepare for the upcoming shanghai event? Of course is "simulation training" to master obstacle techniques! 斯巴达儿童官方训练营 解锁障碍技巧 + 体能训练 + SGX教练经验分享 带领小勇士一起赛前「专项训练」 收获更多勇气与荣誉! The Spartan kids training camp helps Spartan kids
get in top shape before the game Understand the content of the competition Familiar with the game process 8/31-9/1|9/7-8 上海站官方障碍训练营 赛前科学备战 ,解锁花式过障碍技巧 捕捉赛场上每个快乐的精彩瞬间! 8/31-9/1|9/7-8 Shanghai Training Camp With more kids training camps that are available for spartans come and learn the skills for the obstacles! 课程内容 /Course content 第一部分:赛事介绍 了解斯巴达勇士儿童赛赛程、障碍数量 Part