我喜欢做外贸的原因是,我认为它是一份很有意思的工作。 或许,有人会说:“ 无非就是每天开发客户,跟进客户,日日如此,有什么意思?” 其实, 它的有意思就在于它的“不确实性”。看起来日复一日重复的工作,实则每天都会不一样。 跟的客户不一样,遇到的问题也会不一样。当你早上坐在电脑前的时候, 你不会知道接下来的这一天等待你的将会是惊喜还是惊吓。 有一天,我收到了一个客户询盘,内容如下: “ Hello, we are interested in ordering 4 reels of SK6812 5050 RGB LEDS. We have had some problems with WS2812B reliability. But also recent batches of SK6812 have shown some problems. Note: We know this type of LED is very sensitive to any type of physical stress and so are extremely carefully when de-panelising our PCBs. We use low temperature vapour phase ovens. We have found that the latest WS2812B power on reset does not work