专栏名称: CFC商品策略研究
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【Insight CFC】Global Veg-oil Outlook 2024 H2

CFC商品策略研究  · 公众号  · 农业  · 2024-07-13 02:01


点击蓝字  关注我们 作者 | 中信建投期货 田亚雄  本报告完成时间  | 2024年7月11日 期货交易咨询从业信息:Z0012209 重要提示:本报告观点和信息仅供符合证监会适当性管理规定的期货交易者参考。因本平台暂时无法设置访问限制,若您并非符合规定的交易者,为控制交易风险,请勿点击查看或使用本报告任何信息。对由此给您造成的不便表示诚挚歉意,感谢您的理解与配合! KEY POINTS: The global vegetable oil is facing a relatively obvious increase in output. In 24-25, the output only increased slightly by 2-3 million tons, but the demand is expected to completely offset the increase in output and form an annual gap. The dusk of American biodiesel industry and the fact that the global soybean supply is relatively abundant limit the rising space of American soybean oil, but the change of tariff policy of UCO may trigger the upward challenge of American soybean oil to ………………………………

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