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An iconic place in a new look,波兰波兹南

设计先锋队  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-16 06:58


Blue Note is an iconic venue in Poznań, where the sounds of jazz have resounded since 1998. Over the years, it has become a legend not only in the capital of Greater Poland, but also in the whole country, being one of the few jazz clubs still in operation today. That is why Blue Note has recently undergone a metamorphosis, bringing elegance and passion to the heart of Poznan's club scene. Blue Note 是波兹南的标志性场所,自 1998 年以来,爵士乐一直在这里回荡。多年来,它不仅在兰首都,而且在全国都已成为传奇,是今天仍在运营的少数爵士乐俱乐部之一。这就是为什么 Blue Note 最近发生了蜕变,将优雅和激情带到了波兹南俱乐部的中心。 In 2022, Blue Note began a new stage in its history and, after nearly 25 years of activity, gained a new co-owner. Krzysztof Wawrzyniak is the head of the Poznań-based concert agency Good Taste Production (which has become a patron of the club), a music love ………………………………

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