今天晚上9点,Bilibili直播32181对本次会议进行点评,欢迎点击阅读原文直达直播间。 摘要 本次会议,美联储保持利率水平不变。 会议声明中有多处改变,以体现经济情况的变化。 有关就业市场,声明提及就业增速有所放缓,且 失业率小幅上升但“维持低位” 。Job gains have moderated , and the unemployment rate has moved up but remains low. 有关通胀的措辞,形容高企的程度变为了 “somewhat” ,此前的 “modest futher progress” 转变为了“ some further progress ”。Inflation has eased over the past year but remains somewhat elevated. In recent months, there has been some further progress toward the Committee's 2 percent inflation objective. 声明强调了联储的风险管理姿态是平衡的,注重双重使命的“两端”,而非此前的仅针对通胀的“ highly attentive to inflation risks ”。The economic outlook is uncertain, and the Committee is atte