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LearnAndRecord  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-12 20:30


近日,波音 Starliner飞船 所运送的两名宇航员已在太空超期停留将近1个月。据了解, 飞船原定6月14日返回地球,目前返航时间一再推迟。 飞船接近空间站时,5台推进器意外关闭,导致无法对接。飞船还出现了氦气泄漏、推进剂控制阀门运行不良等问题。 🤔️小作业: 1. What alternative options are available for the astronauts' return according to Steve Stich? A) Using another Starliner capsule. B) Delaying their return until the thruster issues are fully resolved. C) Waiting for a new spacecraft to be sent. D) Using SpaceX's Crew Dragon or the Russian Soyuz capsule. 2. What aspect of Starliner is causing concerns according to the passage? A) Its structural integrity. B) Its lithium ion batteries. C) Its communication systems. D) Its navigation accuracy. 无 注释原文: Astronauts are stuck on International Space Station indefinitely after problems with Boeing Starliner From: The Independent T ………………………………

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