专栏名称: 棕榈大道
棕榈大道成立于斯坦福大学,拥有来自世界名校4000+导师提供学术、实践背景提升及海外硕博申请指导。 咨询美国本科申请请关注公众号: palmdrive_undergrad 咨询美高申请请关注公众号: palmdrive_highschool
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【实习内推】Control Risks!化险集团多岗位招募中,Base 上海的商科小伙伴可申!

棕榈大道  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-12 21:30


|Control Risks| |Business Intelligence & Compliance -Compliance, Forensics & Intelligence| 公司介绍 Control Risks is a specialist risk consultancy that helps to create secure, compliant and resilient organisations in anage of ever-changing risk. Working across disciplines, technologies and geographies, everything we do is based onour belief that taking risks is essential to our clients’ success. We provide our clients with the insight to focus resources and ensure they are prepared to resolve the issues andcrises that occur in any ambitious global organisation. We go beyond problem-solving and give our clients the insight and intelligence they need to realise opportunities andgrow, From the boardroom to the remotest location, we have developed an unparalleled ability to bring order to chaosand reassurance to anxiety Our people Working with our clients our people are given direct responsibility, career developmentand the opportunity to work collaboratively on fascinating proje ………………………………

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