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搜建筑  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-11-19 13:32
▲ 更多精品,关注“搜建筑”为了展现场地的特质,从早期的草图开始,项目的重点就一直是紧凑性。建筑矗立在作为项目支撑的地下室上。坡度使得在花园层增加一个楼层成为可能,而前院则为地面层的建筑提供了主要通道。In order to reveal the qualities of the site, from the early sketches, the main focus has always been on the compactness of the project. The building stands on a basement that acts as a support for the project. The slope makes it possible to insert an additional level, at the garden level, while a forecourt provides the principal access to the building at ground level.底层用于部分集体项目(教学室、礼堂)和整个学校的行政管理。在外立面上,金属通风孔的重复出现加强了项目的紧凑感,就像一块被露台雕刻过的巨石。立面上的通风孔掩盖了行政办公室和教学室,加强了公共区域:露台、中庭、学生门厅和接 ………………………………

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