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Editorial丨Act of desperation in last-chance saloon

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2024-07-15 14:09


A spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry has stressed that if the United States does not take practical actions to abide by its commitments to recognize "Tibet" as a part of China and not support "Tibet independence", Beijing will be left with no recourse but to take resolute and strong measures to firmly defend China's sovereignty, security and development interests. The Chinese side's urging that the US not go its own sweet way came after the US introduced the "Promoting a Resolution to the Tibet-China Dispute Act", or "Resolve Tibet Act". An amended edition of the "Tibetan Policy Act of 2002", it was approved by the US House of Representatives on Friday local time and then signed into law by US President Joe Biden. While the modifications might seem anything but sensational, put in perspective with other recent China-related developments in Washington, the legislation gives further impetus to a trend of unfathomably damaging potential. The Act is a last-minute attempt to expl ………………………………

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