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BAM“人物专访”栏目第二十九期嘉宾:Taishi Yokoi

BioactMater生物活性材料  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-12-17 17:00


BAM人物专访栏目 BAM“人物专访”栏目,带您了解科研人员的故事、期刊发展前景、学科进展等新鲜有趣的事情,欢迎关注! 第二十九期,我们采访了BAM编委 Taishi Yokoi  ,一起来听听他对科研的独特见解、对期刊发展的期待、 有趣的科研生活吧! 人物专访: Taishi Yokoi  Taishi Yokoi  Biography Taishi Yokoi received his Ph.D. in Engineering at Nagoya University in 2012. After one year as a Research Fellow of the Japan Society for Promotion of Science, he was an assistant professor at the Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Tohoku University. Then, he studied as a researcher at the Japan Fine Ceramics Center.Since 2019, he has been as an associate professor at Institute of Biomaterials and Bioengineering,Tokyo Medical and Dental University. 科研分享 Q 能否简单介绍一下您目前的研究领域? A My research field is ceramic biomaterials. We are conducting a wide range of bioceramics ………………………………

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