悉尼Woollahra区的室内设计师Freya Salter为她自己的居所打造了一个宁静、近乎冥想般的空间,充分利用每一寸光线。 For her own home in Sydney’s Woollahra, interior designer Freya Salter has created a serene, almost meditative space that embraces light at every opportunity. Freya Salter设计团队 尽管Freya Salter可能并不认为自己是建筑师,但她与身为建造者的丈夫Richard Oddie共同打造的家,从各种意义上讲,都不输于建筑师设计的住宅。 这座令人惊叹的居所巧妙运用了光线、形态与材质,轻盈而含蓄地矗立于悉尼东部富庶郊区Woollahra那些传统与现代交织的住宅群中。 She may not consider herself to be an architect, but the home Freya Salter created for herself and her builder husband Richard Oddie is, for all intents and purposes, an architect-designed home. This stunning residence, with a deep consideration of light, form and materiality, sits lightly and subtl