UNStudio和华为-中国的信息与通信技术及智能产品先驱,为华为在上海打造了一座全新旗舰店,这是一次独一无二、以用户为导向的设计合作。UNStudio的设计团队与华为紧密合作,构思出了一个丰富体验的设计理念,融合了人、自然和科技,以及适应了多元化的消费习惯和科技改变生活的新趋势。 UNStudio and Huawei, a pioneer in information and communication technology and intelligent products in China, have created a new flagship store for Huawei in Shanghai, which is a unique, user oriented design collaboration. The design team of UNStudio has collaborated closely with Huawei to come up with a rich experiential design concept that integrates people, nature, and technology, as well as adapting to diverse consumer habits and the new trends of technology changing lives. 华为上海旗舰店 Huawei Shanghai Flagship Store - - - UNStudio创始人兼首席建筑师Ben van Berkel表示:“