漫长人生中, 什么都不是 一眼看到头的。 一时的春风得意 算不了什么, 一时的失败 也不能算数。 人生进退是常事, 想要成功 关键在于 能不能“熬”得住。 所谓“熬”, 是不轻易放弃, 不轻易改变, 是欢喜中持有一份凝重, 悲哀时多留一丝希望, 是对生活的负责任, 是谨慎对待 每一个属于自己的日子。 --- 加措活佛 If one wants to fly, one must believe that
it is possible.Without faith, one will never be able to fly; but with faith and
hard work, itis possible. It is the same with achieving success: if you want to
besuccessful, you have to first have faith in your success. Having that, you
needto continuously work for it. If you are able to do these two things,
successwill not be far off. 有缘请加我公众微信 长按上图二维码即可添加