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Aedas新作 | 中国绿发新疆库尔勒万丽万怡酒店,人文自然旅居新标杆

ZaomeDesign  · 公众号  · 设计  · 2024-08-20 09:30


点击观看项目动画 Click to view the animation 享有“梨城”雅誉的库尔勒市,矗立于西域文化摇篮之畔,亦是古丝绸之路中 的璀璨明珠。 立足于当地人文自然的延续性,Aedas全球设计董事 王烨冰携团队在此打造的万丽万怡酒店集群项目 ,谱写了一个属于库尔勒建筑与自然、人文与 野性碰撞的故事。 这不仅是一处供旅人悠享宁静的避世桃源,更是一次传统与现代交融演绎的尝试。 K orla City stands at the cradle of Western culture and is a shining jewel of the ancient Silk Road. Embracing the continuity of local culture and nature, Aedas Global Design Principal Kevin Wang and his team have crafted the CGDG Korla Renaissance Hotel and Courtyard Hotel here, weaving a narrative where architecture meets nature, and culture meets wilderness. It is a serene haven for travelers and an experiment in blending tradition with modernity. 中国绿发新疆华美胜地库尔勒万丽 ………………………………

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