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加措上师语录  · 公众号  · 佛学  · 2025-01-12 14:25


真正改变命运的, 并不是我们的机遇, 而是我们的态度。 所谓时来运转, 其实是针对大多数人的, 只是有的人抓住了, 有的人放跑了。 能抓住机遇的, 往往是有准备、 积极面对的人。 有时,尽管我们已经很努力, 仍然得不到幸运之神的青睐, 只能说明,该转弯了。 付出不一定有收获, 收获却一定要付出努力和态度。  --- 加措活佛 A smile is a wonder that is separate from language; a smile brings happiness that is ordinary yet moving. When we pass along a smile to another, that is a commonplace kind of happiness, and it is often the most commonplace happiness that touches us the most. Often we don’t need to say much, don’t need ornate dressing up, only a simple smile which is a marvel. Smile, and smile with your heart; you will realize how wonderful life is! Jia Cuo Rinpoche 有缘请加我公众微信 长按上图二维码即可添加 ‍ ‍ ………………………………

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