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Call for paper (IF 6.1):截止2024年12月31日

Figure图  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-05 17:58


Advances in Plant Metabolomics: Insights, Applications, and Integration Introduction Plant metabolomics, a crucial aspect of systems biology, provides insights into the intricate metabolic networks within plants. Recent technological advancements, such as UPLC-HRMS, direct-infusion-HRMS, spectrometry, and NMR spectroscopy, have significantly expanded the scope of plant metabolome exploration. Metabolomics enables the identification and characterization of dynamic changes in metabolite composition, offering insights into plant responses to environmental stimuli and enhancing our understanding of adaptation and resilience mechanisms. Scope of the Special Issue This special issue aims to provide a focused platform for researchers to showcase innovative research in plant metabolomics, highlighting cutting-edge studies on the role of metabolomics in understanding plant stress responses, from environmental challenges to crop improvement strategies. We invite original research articles, revie ………………………………

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