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Call for paper (IF 6.0):截止2024年11月16日

Figure图  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-13 17:58


Enriching Urban Residents' Low-Carbon Lifestyle Choices Through Interdisciplinary Approaches Recognizing this, our special issue titled " Enriching Urban Residents' Low-Carbon Lifestyle Choices Through an Interdisciplinary Approach" aims to synthesize insights from a spectrum of disciplines to confront the escalating challenges of low-carbon urban living. Guest editors: Prof. Yin Long The University of Tokyo Prof. Klaus Hubacek University of Groningen Prof. Yuli Shan University of Birmingham Prof. Heran Zheng University College London Prof. Jiashuo Li Shandong University Prof. Yoshikuni Yoshida The University of Tokyo Special issue information: Our special issue titled "  Enriching Urban Residents' Low-Carbon Lifestyle Choices Through an Interdisciplinary Approach " aims to synthesize insights from a spectrum of disciplines to confront the escalating challenges of low-carbon urban living.  Manuscript submission information: The journal's submission platform ( https://www2.cloud.edito ………………………………

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