High Cry独家呈现全球炙热的 Drum and bass 制作人 Buunshin, “Not Everything Is Your Fault” 中国巡演。 Buunshin,这位富有神秘魅力属性的音乐人,以其突破界限的音乐风格和震撼人心的现场表演闻名遐迩,此次与High Cry携手开启一场颠覆常规的双城之旅,必将满足所有歌迷的期待。凭借对创新的不懈追求和对声音实验的热情,Buunshin以他那令人着迷的DnB风格不断地圈粉全球的粉丝,惊喜不止于此! High Cry Presents the “Not Everything Is Your Fault” exclusive China Tour featuring drum and bass producer Buunshin. Buunshin, the enigmatic force of nature, renowned for his boundary-pushing sound and electrifying live sets, is teaming up with High Cry to embark on an extremely unique two-city tour, that’s guaranteed to shatter expectations. With a relentless drive for innovation and a penchant for sonic experimentation, Buunshin continues to captivate audiences world