嘿,记得给“ 机器学习与推荐算法 ”添加 星标 本文精选了上周 (0123-0209) 最新发布的 27 篇推荐系统相关论文,主要研究方向包括鲁棒推荐、大模型推荐、序列推荐、公平性推荐、跨域推荐、扩散模型推荐、流式推荐、多模态推荐、图协同过滤 等。 1. Personalized Denoising Implicit Feedback for Robust Recommender System 2. Boosting Knowledge Graph-based Recommendations through Confidence-Aware Augmentation with Large Language Models 3. Middleman Bias in Advertising: Aligning Relevance of Keyphrase Recommendations with Search 4. Interactive Visualization Recommendation with Hier-SUCB 5. Intent Representation Learning with Large Language Model for Recommendation 6. Large Language Models Are Universal Recommendation Learners 7. FuXi- : Scaling Recommendation Model with Feature Interaction Enhanced Transformer 8. TD3: Tucker Decomposition Based Dataset Distillation Method for Sequential Recomme